How to start conversations
Talking about CPR Training video
TalkCPR Posters
Below are two posters that encourage professionals to talk about CPR and discuss DNACPR with colleagues and patients. Feel free to print and display posters within suitable settings. These may include the staff cafeteria, a meeting room, the resuscitation room etc.
Download the TalkCPR posters
All Wales DNACPR Policy

Below are links to the current DNACPR Policy documentations. Please contact us to submit further relevant resources for review and inclusion.
The latest version of the All Wales DNACPR policy can be found under
Ordering new Forms and Patient Leaflets?
These are ordered via Oracle. This is an all Wales ordering system. Go into Shop, key in ‘DNACPR’ and items come up ready to order. The supplier of the books is Office Depot based in Andover. If you go into Office Depot on Oracle it is ‘Vicking Printers’ at present.
All Wales DNACPR policy.
There will be an overlap in each health board with existing policy and forms being phased out, and hence there will be a grace period for the implementation process to be full completed by autumn 2015 (1st Oct) where it is expected that all Health Boards will have fully moved over to the new policy and associated form.
Dr Paul Buss explains the All Wales DNACPR policy:
“It is vital that we all engage with vital decisions about our own health and care. These resources encourage good conversations about this important decision, helping healthcare professionals to empower patients and their families to share decision making and make good,informed choices.”
Fran Targett, Director Citizens Advice Cymru/Wales
#HaveTheConversation is a great CPR resource developed by Cote Banger (The unofficial website of the Geriatricians in NW Wales – Snowdonia & Anglesey). Information and resources can be found at:
NHS Wales Award
TalkCPR won the NHS Wales Award 2016 in the ‘Improving Quality Together (IQT) Methodology’ category.
To learn about the NHS Wales Awards and how TalkCPR is used by clinicians in Wales click here.